Whether it be a question on our social media comments or an email, we are asked almost daily about our field of view with a red dot sight. Let’s go over what is field of view and how a red dot sight has an unlimited field of view.
Field Of View (FOV):
Is the area visible when looking through an optic.
This could be through a telescope, binoculars, scope, etc.
There are different factors that change what your FOV looks like such as magnification.
Let’s look at the Vortex Viper HD Binoculars:
These binoculars have a linear FOV of 288 ft / 1000 yards. So this means you can see 288 feet of the 1,000 yards in front of you.
Optics like binoculars, scopes, or rangefinders have a limited field of vision because of eye relief and/or magnification.
This is what separates red dots from other optics. Red dots have an unlimited field of vision.

Unlimited Field of Vision:
With red dot sights, you are shooting with both eyes open and you are focused on the target. So as you are looking at the target, the red dot becomes a part of your vision. There is no magnification limiting your scope of vision nor are you looking right up against the lens.
Aimpoint makes a video speaking on how red dots have an unlimited FOV. I’ll link it below and does a great job explaining this.
I hope this helps understand what field of view is and that red dots have an unlimited field of view.
Any questions? Let us know! adjustablereddot@gmail.com